Ocean Freight Forwarding
Ocean Freight Forwarding

Core Services

Ocean Freight Forwarding

Ocean Freight Forwarding is the movement of cargo from one location to another location by sea. An ocean freight forwarder knows what goods can be shipped, Proper procedures for sending them, all the documents required for shipping, how to carry your cargo on a ship and what to do if something goes.

  • Bulk Cargo Handling & Vessel Chartering
  • FCL Service and LCL Service
  • Special Container & Special cargo
  • Specialized Transportation
  • Cargo Security Management and Compliance
  • DG Goods Managements

Bulk Cargo Handling & Vessel Chartering

  • Bulk Cargo is the shipping term for goods that are shipped loosely and unpacked rather than shipped in packages or containers.
  • We clear cargo's such as coal, limestone, gypsum, salt, pulses etc.
  • Chartering the vessel

FCL Service and LCL Service

  • Import
  • Export
  • Domestic Services

Special Container & Special cargo

  • Out of gauge Cargo (OOG)
  • Refrigerated Cargo (Reefer)
  • Project Cargo

Specialized transportation

  • Expertise for large-scale manufacturing equipment, medicines and food
  • Temperature and humidity control

Cargo Security management and compliance

  • Fumigation
  • Quarantine
  • Inspected Survey
  • Watch and Ward Service

DG Goods Managements

  • We handle your dangerous cargo carefully and professionally to ensure safety.
  • We specialize in hazardous materials transportation, storage and management.