Contract Logistics
Contract Logistics

Core Services

Contract Logistics

Contract logistics refers to the long-term assumption of complex logistics service packages by sending agent or parcel services. In essence, it is outsourcing logistics services to third parties.

  • Bulk Cargo Monitoring for both Import & Export
  • Land Transportation of containers & Bulk Cargos
  • Factory Loading & Unloading measures
  • Special Container & Special cargo
  • Value added services – Port & Customs visit on regular Basis

Bulk Cargo Monitoring for both Import & Export

  • Plan for loading and unloading
  • Use tracking resources
  • Inspect vessels
  • Inspect cargo handling service

Land Transportation of containers & Bulk Cargos

  • We provide door-to-door container transport covering the world.

Factory Loading & Unloading measures for DG Goods

  • Ground Staff for Cargo handling process (loading & unloading)
  • Experienced Professionals for unpacking and re-packing all types of goods
  • Monitoring cargo movements

Special Container & Special cargo

  • Out of gauge Cargo (OOG)
  • Refrigerated Cargo (Reefer)
  • Project Cargo

Value added services – Port & Customs visit on regular Basis

  • Freight and Cargo Insurance Service
  • Goods Warehousing Service
  • Consultation on Import - Export